Feb 8Liked by Joe Friday

This is EXCELLENT data. Thank you for your work on educating us on the granular nature of these issues. Chief Smith is awesome!

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Awesome job. I’ve already voted with my feet and almost never go into the city any longer, but interesting to see the details of what’s going on with my former home of 20 years.

For the big picture and comparisons between cities, the interactive dashboard at the end of this report is interesting to play with.


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What is the DC criminal judges’ role in all this? I feel they drive some of these slap on the wrists sentence or lack of prosecution

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What is the reason for the US Attorney not wanting to prosecute more people? If we take it as true that 67 percent or so of the arrests are viable for prosecution why do they actually want to prosecute less than that? At rate that as you've pointed out is much lower than pretty much anywhere else in the US.

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