This is one of the worst aspects of the Bowser Admin. It's OBVIOUS to anyone who's been following OUC's issues for the last five years or so that it's a dumpster fire. But (at least to my knowledge) there's literally NO REASON the Mayor is so wedded to Holmes. Why does she care so much about this particular crony? It's baffling!

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The main difference between the administration's treatment of Subido and Holmes (based on Subido's accusations and the Council's objections to Holmes) are that Subido was honest and transparent about the problems at OUC while Holmes was willing to help cover up problems and mislead the media/Council. Maybe there is something else but the data shows the arguments for Holmes on merits just don't add up.

Another depressing angle of this is how this kind of situation (and the scandal at DMPED) almost certainly scares away talented people from working for DC government.

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Yeah I understand - it just seems like a totally crazy reason to support Holmes specifically. Can't Bowser find a different person who's also willing to hide problems at OUC? Why bring back *this particular* incompetent stooge? Can't we find an equally incompetent fresh-faced stooge who will still cover up the problems but will also at least make it *look like* we're even trying to solve the problem?

I guess not.

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Having personally gotten calls dropped on numerous occasions, I wonder if the numbers might actually be worse than what’s shown here.

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